
Most questions about getting your name in graffiti can be found here. If you can’t find it, shoot us a message and we’ll respond and add it to the list.

Product Care

How long does the paint last on shoes?

The life of the artwork will be the result of the amount of care taken when wearing the shoes. Two things to consider: If the shoe is made of canvas (Converse Chucks), the paint will hold to the cloth. This makes the paint more durable and allows the shoe to be worn more often without thaving to be concerned about ruining the art. If the shoe is leather, the paint sits on top of the leather. This means the shoes are your special pair of shoes that you are wearing sparingly or for special occasions.  If you go kicking around in the dirt and mud, there is a good chance it will ruin your artwork.

Can I wash my custom hat?

We don’t recommend putting the hat in the dishwasher or other forms of hard cleaning. Hand Washing is recommended. For small smudges, use a damp cloth or Shout! wipes.